6:33 Global

MISSION: We love and build people so that they can experience themselves from God’s perspective.

VISION: Every person actively and effectively building the Kingdom of God knowing who they are and whose they are.

Let's Build the Kingdom

We believe we are each called to build the Kingdom, everyone with their own roles. As we go, it will take others coming alongside us financially to partner with the Kingdom work being done in Honduras. 

Before supporting us financially, we ask you to PRAY FOR US! We want to honor God, our Family and our Spiritual Leadership in all we do. Hebrews 13:18 says, “Pray for us, for we are sure that we have a clear conscience, desiring to act honorably in all things.

Below, you can choose the appropriate giving fund in the FUND drop down box, enter an amount you choose to give, with either a one time donation or you can set up recurring giving.

We also have Mobile Giving or Text To Give. For details, see below!

We THANK YOU for even considering sowing into our family & ministry!


DONATE: General Support for Ministry Programs

E3 INITIATIVE: Supports the following programs: The Kingdom Academy & The Trade Academy

PROPERTY: Supports the purchase & preparation of property & facilities to resource 6:33 Global’s Ministry Expansion

Incoming Teams: For any and all funds to support your G3 Team Trip with 6:33 Global


We wanted to share what we believe The Lord has put on our heart for THE FUTURE of 6:33 Global! We have broken it down into 3 Phases. We feel that these 3 Phases, accomplished in order, is the best path forward for our GROWTH & EXPANSION.

For more information or details on the phases, it may be helpful to click on the MINISTRY tab above, then click on E3 INITIATIVE.

NOTE: As a family and as a ministry, we believe in Sacrificial Giving in the form of The Tithe and Offerings above The Tithe. We tithe 10% of all donations to 6:33 Global directly to Healing Place Church Honduras Campus. We also look for opportunities to bless the community in the form of benevolence with Offerings above The Tithe in the form of 6:33 Global’s Food Pantry & Newborn Gift Basket.


Any questions you have about the Mission & Vision of 6:33 Global, our budget, expenses or online giving, please email us at brandi.lambert@633global.org or gered.lambert@633global.org.

Kingdom   +   Church   +  People