6:33 Global

MISSION: We love and build people so that they can experience themselves from God’s perspective.

VISION: Every person actively and effectively building the Kingdom of God knowing who they are and whose they are.

Great Start to 2018

We wanted to share 2 HUGE WINS 6:33 Global was able to be a part of!


We'd LOVE for you to make plans for 2019 to help us provide school supplies for the children of the community! The school year here starts February 1st, so if you want to help financially as a Christmas Outreach or part of your Year End Giving for 2018, that would be great!

With your help and generosity, as of today, we have provided supplies for over 40 children here in El Naranjo. We believe we can double or triple that effort next year!

We would love for you to PrayPlan & Participate during next year's outreach!

Nio is one of Healing Place Church Honduras Staff members. Before getting planted in church, he struggled with substance abuse and wasn't there for his wife and kids. But, because of God's grace, along with Ps. Derek and his wife Marlen's diligent prayers, serving and ministering to him, God ignited Nio's heart for The Kingdom. Today, he is one of the church's most loyal, servant leaders and an example of God's Redeeming Love!

Last year, Nio & Marlen approached Ps. Derek about their heart to live a life of holiness, obedience, commitment and to be a good example of Christ to this community. They wanted to get married!

6:33 Global and our partners were able to partner with Ps. Derek and HPC Honduras to help them get what they needed to get married!

To no one's surprise, after the ceremony, Nio & Marlen helped serve plates and made sure the guests were taken care of before they sat down to eat. True, Servant-hood, Jesus-Style leadership!

Simply put, Nio & Marlen get it. They get the fact that we are to be a light in darkness, a city on a hill. They get the fact that in God's Kingdom, a TOWEL is greater than a TITLE!

So, again, THANK YOU for your prayers and support! It's such an HONOR to witness what God is doing here in El Naranjo and we are believing by His Grace, our influence and reach will reach more people, all for God' Glory!

Thanks for checking in!

The Lamberts

Josiah, Jada, Brandi & Gered


Kingdom   +   Church   +  People