6:33 Global

MISSION: We love and build people so that they can experience themselves from God’s perspective.

VISION: Every person actively and effectively building the Kingdom of God knowing who they are and whose they are.

The Call - Part 3

After Brandi said, “I think I’m called to missions,” in front of our friends, I actually considered this idea in prayer. I knew God was stirring up something in our hearts. I knew he wouldn’t put this burden on Brandi’s heart and never resolve it. So, I prayed. Then, because God is patient, kind and faithful, He graciously gave us some clarity.

During an HPC Staff Development, Ps. Mike was praying over our local and international campuses. When he began to pray over Ps. Derek Smith and our Honduras Campus, he shared a word from the Lord he received in a vision and also a confirming word of prophecy from a friend. He said he believed Honduras was going to be a multi-campus site. He said he believed that Honduras was going to be a gateway for HPC into South America.

Then, REVELATION! The light bulb lit up in my head! Brandi, Honduras! Honduras, Brandi! HPC Honduras is supposed to be a multi site campus. Since 2004, Brandi has seen HPC grow from 1 campus and 2,000 people to 10 campuses and 10,000 people. This may be why we are called to Honduras! “Oh, no!” I said to myself. “This is really a GOD THING!” Again, I knew I was in TROUBLE! Now, I didn’t share this revelation with anybody. Unfortunately, I kept it to myself.

Now, I can just imagine you reading this right now. You Sister Super Spirit and Brother Big Believer, holier than thou, JUDGING ME! You think by now that I should recognize God’s Hand in all this, embrace it, celebrate it and move forward in FULL OBEDIENCE! Well guess what? I ain’t fully sanctified yet! The truth is… I didn’t like the calling!

See, you don’t understand! We were set! We were chugging along, settled in our ways. Great family. Great home. Great jobs. Settled in our departments. Our futures were clear. It was SOOOOOOOOO COMFORTABLE!

So, for the next several months, Brandi talked about her heart for missions and Honduras. Stubbornly, I ignored what she was saying and what God was trying to stir in my heart and was settling for the SAFE, SECURE career path we were on.

Then, HPC Missions Leadership asked us to lead a trip to Honduras together. That’s when it kind of BLEW UP for us. Not in a good way. But, let’s discuss that next time! Thanks for checking in!

Gered, Brandi, Jada & Josiah

Kingdom   +   Church   +  People