6:33 Global

MISSION: We love and build people so that they can experience themselves from God’s perspective.

VISION: Every person actively and effectively building the Kingdom of God knowing who they are and whose they are.

Hosting Teams, Temporary Residency & Non Profit Status

June has been a JAMMED PACKED MONTH for The Lamberts and 6:33 Global!

First of all, at the end of May, we hosted Healing Place College First Year Students as they visited HPC Honduras for their end of the year Missions Trip.

They worked on the Water Supply System for El Naranjo and the HPC Honduras Campus and they made improvements to some of the church facilities. It was an awesome group!

In the middle of June, we were informed that we were approved for Temporary Residency in Honduras. This means we can stay here in Honduras for 5 years without getting VISA extensions. This is REALLY GOOD NEWS for us!

Also in the middle of May, we hosted 2 teams, BACK TO BACK WEEKS. The first team was the HPC Open Missions Trip Team. HPC Denham Springs Campus Pastors Ryan & Jessica Frith led the team with some of the HPC DS Leaders and some high school students from St.Josheph's Academy and Catholic High joined the team.

This team was able to demolish and rebuild a house for one of HPC Honduras elderly members. They also helped dig a septic hole and build bathrooms for a local school.

The THIRD TEAM we hosted was the first of two groups of Devoted Student Ministry Leaders led by Ps. Paul Musso and Jessica Schaffer.

These guys and gals handed out beans in Las Mangas and El Naranjo, they helped Ps. Davíd Chavez host an AMAZING Adolescents Event with a great word from Ps. Paul Musso and fun games and food. It was a great day and a great week for this group of Devoted Student Ministry Leaders.

FINALLY! We got some GREATE NEWS for 6:33 Global! During the first week of July, we were informed that 6:33 Global was APPROVED by the IRS as a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization! This has a HUGE IMPACT on our ability to raise support!

Approved 633 Global.PNG


Check out the details on https://www.633global.org/donate for ALL THE DETAILS!

Thanks for checking in!

The Lamberts

Josiah, Jada, Brandi & Gered

Kingdom   +   Church   +  People