6:33 Global

MISSION: We love and build people so that they can experience themselves from God’s perspective.

VISION: Every person actively and effectively building the Kingdom of God knowing who they are and whose they are.

February 2020 Newsletter

We had a busy visit to the states for Christmas and New Years! It was good to see family and friends, meet with 6:33 Global’s Board and get ready for all God has planned in 2020! Special thanks to Joe & Dr. Cheri LeBlanc for opening their home to our family for the visit! What a blessing. Thanks to Ps. Jeffrey Rentz & Breanne Franks for helping make our visit excellent and enjoyable! We appreciate you all very much.

We wanted to share some things we believe God has put on our hearts for 2020. If you are new to 6:33 Global, we believe along with helping Ps. Derek & Cesia share the gospel and make disciples, he has put 2 areas of practical needs in the communities HPC Honduras serves: EDUCATION & MEDICAL.


G3 Teams with 6:33 Global along with incoming teams from Healing Place Church Louisiana Campuses allowed us to make improvements to HPC Honduras Campus:

TOP LEFT: HPC Honduras Kids & Women Space. This space is used for Adolescents, Women and Kids Ministries during the week. During Sunday Services it serves as Kids Church.

TOP RIGHT: This wall was built to provide a barrier between Team Housing and the Church Buildings. This is mostly for the safety of the100-200 kids who participate in Kids Ministry every Thursday.

BOTTOM LEFT: Cooking For Christ Shed Extension. This extension COOLS DOWN the kitchen while staff and volunteers cook for Kids Day and Friday Night Homeless Outreach and monthly service Family Meals. It also helps us to distribute meals more efficiently. On Sundays, many members arrive early and are able to sit, have a free cup of coffee and fellowship before service begins.

BOTTOM RIGHT: Tech booth - Ps. Derek and his staff creatively found the most efficient way to use Sanctuary Space for a tech booth. The tech booth will house equipment, staff and volunteers to run lights, sound and the projector.


STUDENT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM: Honduras only provides education up to the 6th grade. If kids want to attend 7th grade and up, they need to attend a private school. The School Year begins in Feruary and ends in November. Today, there are 3 private schools in the valley near HPC Honduras. Presently, 6:33 Global is sponsoring 4 students at $45 per month along with providing some uniforms and school supplies.

EL NARANJO KINDERGARTEN: Honduras doesn't provide resources for Kindergarten and each community is responsible to support it if they want it. El Naranjo, where we live and the location of HPC Honduas, has a kindergarten. We believe God asked us to adopt this school to help 3-5 year olds prepare for first grade.

We were able to help the teacher with supplies to start off the school year and we provide snacks one day a week, buying healthy homemade snacks from local girls raising money for trade school! We are also able to help with the teachers pay for her heart and devotion to the kids of this community.

The teacher gave us capital projects needed to improve the school property: Roof & Ceiling Repair, Functioning Kitchen, Outdoor Playground.

If you are interesting in supporting either of these programs, donate from our website (https://www.633global.org/donate/) and select EDUCATION for the giving category. Also, email us at brandi.lambert@633global.org to let us know exactly how you want your donation to be distributed.


We have partnered with Drs. Melvin & Ana, Founders of Clinica Doctor Del Pueblo. Before our partnership, they have had a network of friends and supporters that have helped them for many years. Through 6:33 Global we are able to provide their supporters an avenue to give a charitable donation through our non profit.

Also, supporters of 6:33 Global can give toward Clinic Construction and Clinic Brigade Supplies and even personal Support for Drs. Melvin and Ana.

Clinic Construction began in the end of 2018 and the doctors estimate the clinic will be complete and running around May or June of 2020!

All of this is possible through God's Grace and your generosity. It's been exciting to see God move in the short 2 years we've been in Honduras. We are excited to see what God has for the future!

Thank you for partnering with us to expand The KINGDOM through The CHURCH by building up PEOPLE with the LOVE of CHRIST.

The Lamberts
Josiah, Jada, Brandi & Gered

Kingdom   +   Church   +  People