6:33 Global

MISSION: We love and build people so that they can experience themselves from God’s perspective.

VISION: Every person actively and effectively building the Kingdom of God knowing who they are and whose they are.

April 2020 Newsletter

April 2020 Newsletter

First of all, we just want to say how much we appreciate our AMAZING PARTNERS! Your consistent prayers, encouragement and financial support truly continues to build our faith in God's Provision!

Here's a brief summary of Lambert Life in Honduras during the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Our family is well, praise God. Since March 15th, by order of local government, we have been asked to stay on home property. There is a curfew in place from 5:00pm - 7:00am. Local police are enforcing the curfew, many arrests have been made in El Naranjo and surrounding communities for breaking curfew. Arrest includes a minimum 24 hour incarceration.

Schools are shut down. School year runs from February to November here in Honduras. So, we believe they will resume at some point in the future. For those giving toward tuition scholarships, we will forward information to you as soon as we get it, if any change is required for future tuition.

All businesses are closed with the exception of grocery stores, banks, medical clinics and hospitals. 3 weeks ago, local government establish days to go into town based on Passport or Residency Card numbers. Masks and gloves are required to enter businesses. We have the ability to go into town for groceries and money 2 days a week.

We have no problem getting food, however, imports have dramatically decreased and the variety of options is declining week by week.

There are no public gatherings allowed. We have not had a church service since March 8th at Healing Place Church Honduras.

Local businesses have shut down and very few church members and neighbors are working at this point.

Because of your generosity, we have been able to provide food and baby formula to church members and neighbors.

Easter Sunday, we were not able to have services, but we were still able to reach the community. Ps. Derek & Cesia bought Beans & Rice in bulk and we helped package and deliver these to the surrounding communities.

Clinica Doctor Del Pueblo, Drs. Melvin & Ana's Clinic in Las Mangas is still open. It is, from what we understand, the ONLY clinic maintaining regular, pre pandemic operating hours.

We believe there will be a great need to help the doctors & the clinic in the coming weeks. Jobs, what little they were, have gone away and many community member have no money. Clinic medicines and supplies are being consumed at a more rapid pace.

We fully understand these are uncertain times for everyone. But, if you are able and willing, we would ask you to consider praying and giving toward the medical clinic and brigade supply fund. If you are able to give, visit https://www.633global.org/donate/ and select the following:


Also, for several years, New Destiny, a Humanitarian Group (NGO) from France, has served here in the community, helping with local schools and Drs. Melvin & Ana's Clinic in Las Mangas. They made the video below for Melvin & Ana. Check it out:

"Clinica Doctor Del Pueblo" video provided by New Destiny in France.

Like everyone, life is a little different now. Thank you for your continued prayer and support!

Please pray for wisdom, discernment and creativity as we navigate this new season. We want to effectively be "a healing place for a hurting world" while at the same time to expand The KINGDOM through The CHURCH by building up PEOPLE with the LOVE of CHRIST.

This is what we believe God has called The Lambert family to do in this season of our lives. It's an honor to fulfill this purpose with each and every one of you!


The Lamberts
Josiah, Jada, Brandi & Gered

Kingdom   +   Church   +  People