6:33 Global

MISSION: We love and build people so that they can experience themselves from God’s perspective.

VISION: Every person actively and effectively building the Kingdom of God knowing who they are and whose they are.

June 2020 Newsletter

June 2020 Newsletter

Sometimes, the Corona Virus Quarantine makes us feel like not much is going on, but a glance at our photo album reminded us how much we've done in the last couple of months!

Standard Fruit, which owns Dole, has Pineapple fields right outside of La Ceiba. During the quarantine, Dole donated pineapples to local communities. Some local leaders approached us about helping them out by providing our ministry vehicle to bring a load of pineapple to the people of El Naranjo.

June 2020 Pina.png

The quarantine here in Honduras has cost many people in our community their jobs. The need for food has increased and thankfully, we have been able to meet the needs we are aware of. As mentioned before, we tithe on all donations to our General Budget Fund and with the tithe, Ps. Derek Smith has given us permission to find and meet community needs. Below is what we are able to buy about every 2 weeks.

June 2020 Pantry.png

We are praying about the future of 6:33 Global's role in feeding the poor here in the surrounding communities. We believe God has spoke to us and we are discussing options with Ps. Derek & local community leaders about the best way to meet this need. We would appreciate prayers for wisdom, discernment and guidance about this issue. We hope to have news about further details very soon.

There also have been some medical needs we have been able to meet because of your generosity. Below is Keyling, from Las Mangas. She used to deliver fresh cow milk to our home. She had an accident and had a laceration to her eyeball that required surgery and 5 stitches to her eyeball. Her prognosis is good, she is experiencing pain and will require laser surgery after the laceration heals. Along with her family and other community members, we were able to contribute generously to her surgery to help save her eye and vision. She has asked us to communicate her thanks to everyone who gave to help her. It's such an honor to represent Jesus and you, the generous partners we have while we are here in Honduras! THANK YOU!

June 2020 Keyling.png

Also, we were able to help out a LONG TIME Honduras Missionary, John Taylor. He has been in Honduras over 40 years. He had some health issues and usually he can meet his needs. But with the quarantine and travel restrictions, he has not been able to get packages, medicines and aid lately from the states. He had a need come up and again we were able to help out. What better way to honor trailblazers here in Honduras like John Taylor? This was a no brainer for 6:33 Global.

June 2020 Taylor.png

The HPC Family is growing! If you've visited Healing Place Church Honduras, then you've met Carlos and Chon. Carlos is on staff at HPC Honduras and helps out Ps. Derek with the workers, facilities and so much more. Chon heads up the cooking team and oversees meals for Kids Ministry and Sunday Family Meal Nights we do once a month. Well, they had a baby girl May 26, 2020. No name yet, but baby and mom are doing great! 6:33 Global was able to bless them with a newborn baby basket before they went to the hospital. We got them diapers, wipes, shampoo, lotion, grooming tools & some outfits.

June 2020 Baby Nina.png

One of our neighbors has been dealing with stomach issues for the past 3 weeks. We took her to Dr. Melvin & Ana's Clinic in Las Mangas where they learned she has a bad tooth that's been hurting for 3 months. For the pain, she's taking any pain medications she can find. Unfortunately, the pain medications have affected her stomach. So, Dr. Melvin got her some safe pain medications. We called our dentist down in La Ceiba, who agreed to extract the tooth at a discounted rate. So we found the root problem and got it solved for her. Again, without your generosity, we are unable to meet these needs that come to us.

We do not seek out these opportunities, but your generosity gives us the reputation that allows the community members to present their needs and allows us to bless them with no strings attached.

Finally, we celebrate Dr. Melvin & Dr. Ana moving into their new clinic and completing their first week loving and ministering to people in the new clinic! We can't communicate strongly enough how proud we are of Melvin & Ana. They have WORKED so hard & SACRIFICED so much! They've done it all with a KINGDOM FIRST attitude and Jesus Style, Servant like hearts. We know that God is simply blessing the diligent work of their hands.

June 2020 Clinic.png

We love being able to communicate all these things we get to see and do here in Honduras. Please know how much we appreciate, cherish, think about and pray for each and everyone of you who sow into this ministry one way or another.

As travel restrictions begin to lift, we invite you to bring your family or small group and put your eyes and hands on what your seeds are doing here in and around Healing Place Church Honduras & 6:33 Global.

For details about a short term mission trip to Honduras with 6:33 Global, visit https://www.633global.org/g3-teams


The Lamberts,
Josiah, Jada, Brandi & Gered

May 2020 Newsletter

Introducting The 6:33 Global Podcast!


We wanted to give our partners another way to stay informed and in the loop about everything going on with The Lamberts and 6:33 Global. The podcast is available on iTunes, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. We have 2 Episodes we want you to check out first:

1. For a throwback, check out the podcast episode Brandi & I did with The Healing Place Marriage & Family Podcast during a “Marriage & Missions” Series back in January 2018 to find out how God called us to Honduras:


2. Check out the latest Podcast Episode we recorded this giving a 6:33 Global ministry update:


We hope you enjoy the episodes. You can REALLY help us out by SUBSCRIBING to the podcast as well as RATE & WRITE A REVIEW!

We have also uploaded the entire "Marriage & Missions" Series over from the Healing Place Marriage & Family Podcast to the new 6:33 Global Podcast.

Future episodes will include MORE DETAILS about how you and 6:33 Global have ministered to the communities here in the areas of:



  • G3 TEAMS

We want to use the podcast to keep you informed of our family and the ministry, but we also wanted to be a resource of encouragement as we share some things God has gave us a heart for concerning discipleship, marriage, finances and simply conforming into The Image of Christ and transforming our minds into The Mind of Christ. 


As many of you know, God placed the tangible needs of the community here on our hearts and we believe we are supposed to serve this community with no strings attached in the areas of MEDICAL & EDUCATION.

To meet the MEDICAL needs of the community, we partnered with Doctors Melvin & Ana of Clinica Doctor Del Pueblo in Las Mangas, a community 1 km up the mountain from HPC Honduras.

We are excited to announce Drs. Melvin and Ana had a baby girl! Sharon Valentina was born 11:30am, Friday April 17, 2020! Mom and Baby are doing great!

We will wrap up by saying THANK YOU for your continued prayers and financial support. We are blown away at God's faithfulness that we are blessed by our partners even in the midst of this pandemic and uncertainty.

We are praying for you guys, that God would bless you for your faithfulness and for sowing into what God is doing here in Honduras through 6:33 Global!


The Lamberts
Josiah, Jada, Brandi & Gered

Kingdom   +   Church   +  People