6:33 Global

MISSION: We love and build people so that they can experience themselves from God’s perspective.

VISION: Every person actively and effectively building the Kingdom of God knowing who they are and whose they are.

April 2020 Newsletter

April 2020 Newsletter

First of all, we just want to say how much we appreciate our AMAZING PARTNERS! Your consistent prayers, encouragement and financial support truly continues to build our faith in God's Provision!

Here's a brief summary of Lambert Life in Honduras during the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Our family is well, praise God. Since March 15th, by order of local government, we have been asked to stay on home property. There is a curfew in place from 5:00pm - 7:00am. Local police are enforcing the curfew, many arrests have been made in El Naranjo and surrounding communities for breaking curfew. Arrest includes a minimum 24 hour incarceration.

Schools are shut down. School year runs from February to November here in Honduras. So, we believe they will resume at some point in the future. For those giving toward tuition scholarships, we will forward information to you as soon as we get it, if any change is required for future tuition.

All businesses are closed with the exception of grocery stores, banks, medical clinics and hospitals. 3 weeks ago, local government establish days to go into town based on Passport or Residency Card numbers. Masks and gloves are required to enter businesses. We have the ability to go into town for groceries and money 2 days a week.

We have no problem getting food, however, imports have dramatically decreased and the variety of options is declining week by week.

There are no public gatherings allowed. We have not had a church service since March 8th at Healing Place Church Honduras.

Local businesses have shut down and very few church members and neighbors are working at this point.

Because of your generosity, we have been able to provide food and baby formula to church members and neighbors.

Easter Sunday, we were not able to have services, but we were still able to reach the community. Ps. Derek & Cesia bought Beans & Rice in bulk and we helped package and deliver these to the surrounding communities.

Clinica Doctor Del Pueblo, Drs. Melvin & Ana's Clinic in Las Mangas is still open. It is, from what we understand, the ONLY clinic maintaining regular, pre pandemic operating hours.

We believe there will be a great need to help the doctors & the clinic in the coming weeks. Jobs, what little they were, have gone away and many community member have no money. Clinic medicines and supplies are being consumed at a more rapid pace.

We fully understand these are uncertain times for everyone. But, if you are able and willing, we would ask you to consider praying and giving toward the medical clinic and brigade supply fund. If you are able to give, visit https://www.633global.org/donate/ and select the following:


Also, for several years, New Destiny, a Humanitarian Group (NGO) from France, has served here in the community, helping with local schools and Drs. Melvin & Ana's Clinic in Las Mangas. They made the video below for Melvin & Ana. Check it out:

"Clinica Doctor Del Pueblo" video provided by New Destiny in France.

Like everyone, life is a little different now. Thank you for your continued prayer and support!

Please pray for wisdom, discernment and creativity as we navigate this new season. We want to effectively be "a healing place for a hurting world" while at the same time to expand The KINGDOM through The CHURCH by building up PEOPLE with the LOVE of CHRIST.

This is what we believe God has called The Lambert family to do in this season of our lives. It's an honor to fulfill this purpose with each and every one of you!


The Lamberts
Josiah, Jada, Brandi & Gered

Canada 2020

Kennedy Road Church's
REFRESH Marriage Conference 2020

About 4 years ago, we believe The Lord connected The Lambert Family with the family and ministry of Pastor Brian Comeaux. Since then, we believe this relationship has been mutually encouraging, uplifting & benefiting for our families and ministries.

Pastor Brian and Kennedy Road Church in Brampton, Ontario, Canada, invited us to serve them at their REFRESH Marriage Conference, February 28, 2020. We are so thankful for this opportunity to visit with them, their church staff and church members. What a VIBRANT, SPIRIT FILLED, DIVERSE, HUNGRY body of believers they have there!

The Kennedy Road Church Staff and Volunteers did such an amazing job preparing for and executing the conference. They also were gracious hosts to me and Brandi. Brandi and I understand the HUGE responsibility is is as a pastor to entrust a speaker with God's Word in front of their congregation. So, we prayed and prepared as best we could and we believe The Lord gave us a timely, in season word for all in attendance at this conference.

Friday night of the conference we focused on God's Purpose and Plan for Marriages. We shared from Jeremiah 31:25,
  “For I SATISFY the WEARY ones and

We talked about the WEIGHTS we carry in marriage and how they cause exhaustion, weariness and sometimes languishing. We also talked about how God is our ONLY source of REFRESHING and He refreshes us to make us more like Christ, so our marriages can reflect His image and reflect Christ's relationship with The Church through our marriages.

Saturday included 2 teaching session and one small group breakout session. It was SO FUN for Brandi and I to teach TOGETHER!

Our first session we focused on the Roles and Responsibilities in Marriage and how these roles help us walk out God's Purpose for Marriages.

The Small Group Breakout Session was a teaching on how God uses marriage to SANCTIFY us in marriage. We read and discussed Romans 7 & 8 and learned how to forgive one another and encourage one another to walk in The Spirit instead of walking in the flesh.

The final session we taught on God's Plan & Purpose for Sexual Intimacy and how that can help us execute God's Plan and Purpose for our marriage! We looked at God's view of One Flesh from Genesis 2, 1 Corinthians 6 and Ephesians 5. 

One of the church staff members recommended we provide counseling for conference attendees. On Saturday and Sunday afternoons, we got to sit with 6 couples and encourage them with God's Word, Pray with them and build them up in their marriages and personal walks with The Lord!

During Sunday services at Brampton & Caledon Campuses, Pastor Brian & Pastor Hansley Armoogan, who is over Missions, invited us to share about the fruit of Kennedy Road Church and 6:33 Global's partnership. We had the opportunity to share those things and express our appreciation for their generosity, faithfulness and belief in the Mission & Vision of 6:33 Global and what God is doing through it all!

Monday we visited Niagara Falls and spent some quality time with Pastor Brian & Kim Comeaux. We are always encouraged and empowered hanging out with this family!

Monday Night we joined Men's Monday Meetups, watched a great teaching on Fatherhood by Series 33 and had a panel discussion on the teaching.

Finally, Tuesday we joined the Kennedy Road Church Staff Development Meeting and Brandi shared a encouraging word for their team about God giving the vision for the temple to Moses, but then He gave workers skills and talents to execute the work and they all worked TOGETHER to prepare for God's PRESENCE among the people!  So proud of Brandi and her obedience to hear and encourage others with God's Word.

It was a great learning experience for me and Brandi. HUGE THANKS to Ps. Brian & Kim, Tyler & Kellie. Also to Pastor Hansley and all the Kennedy Road Staff and volunteers for an AMAZING experience with this great team! God willing, we will visit again!

February 2020 Newsletter

We had a busy visit to the states for Christmas and New Years! It was good to see family and friends, meet with 6:33 Global’s Board and get ready for all God has planned in 2020! Special thanks to Joe & Dr. Cheri LeBlanc for opening their home to our family for the visit! What a blessing. Thanks to Ps. Jeffrey Rentz & Breanne Franks for helping make our visit excellent and enjoyable! We appreciate you all very much.

We wanted to share some things we believe God has put on our hearts for 2020. If you are new to 6:33 Global, we believe along with helping Ps. Derek & Cesia share the gospel and make disciples, he has put 2 areas of practical needs in the communities HPC Honduras serves: EDUCATION & MEDICAL.


G3 Teams with 6:33 Global along with incoming teams from Healing Place Church Louisiana Campuses allowed us to make improvements to HPC Honduras Campus:

TOP LEFT: HPC Honduras Kids & Women Space. This space is used for Adolescents, Women and Kids Ministries during the week. During Sunday Services it serves as Kids Church.

TOP RIGHT: This wall was built to provide a barrier between Team Housing and the Church Buildings. This is mostly for the safety of the100-200 kids who participate in Kids Ministry every Thursday.

BOTTOM LEFT: Cooking For Christ Shed Extension. This extension COOLS DOWN the kitchen while staff and volunteers cook for Kids Day and Friday Night Homeless Outreach and monthly service Family Meals. It also helps us to distribute meals more efficiently. On Sundays, many members arrive early and are able to sit, have a free cup of coffee and fellowship before service begins.

BOTTOM RIGHT: Tech booth - Ps. Derek and his staff creatively found the most efficient way to use Sanctuary Space for a tech booth. The tech booth will house equipment, staff and volunteers to run lights, sound and the projector.


STUDENT SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM: Honduras only provides education up to the 6th grade. If kids want to attend 7th grade and up, they need to attend a private school. The School Year begins in Feruary and ends in November. Today, there are 3 private schools in the valley near HPC Honduras. Presently, 6:33 Global is sponsoring 4 students at $45 per month along with providing some uniforms and school supplies.

EL NARANJO KINDERGARTEN: Honduras doesn't provide resources for Kindergarten and each community is responsible to support it if they want it. El Naranjo, where we live and the location of HPC Honduas, has a kindergarten. We believe God asked us to adopt this school to help 3-5 year olds prepare for first grade.

We were able to help the teacher with supplies to start off the school year and we provide snacks one day a week, buying healthy homemade snacks from local girls raising money for trade school! We are also able to help with the teachers pay for her heart and devotion to the kids of this community.

The teacher gave us capital projects needed to improve the school property: Roof & Ceiling Repair, Functioning Kitchen, Outdoor Playground.

If you are interesting in supporting either of these programs, donate from our website (https://www.633global.org/donate/) and select EDUCATION for the giving category. Also, email us at brandi.lambert@633global.org to let us know exactly how you want your donation to be distributed.


We have partnered with Drs. Melvin & Ana, Founders of Clinica Doctor Del Pueblo. Before our partnership, they have had a network of friends and supporters that have helped them for many years. Through 6:33 Global we are able to provide their supporters an avenue to give a charitable donation through our non profit.

Also, supporters of 6:33 Global can give toward Clinic Construction and Clinic Brigade Supplies and even personal Support for Drs. Melvin and Ana.

Clinic Construction began in the end of 2018 and the doctors estimate the clinic will be complete and running around May or June of 2020!

All of this is possible through God's Grace and your generosity. It's been exciting to see God move in the short 2 years we've been in Honduras. We are excited to see what God has for the future!

Thank you for partnering with us to expand The KINGDOM through The CHURCH by building up PEOPLE with the LOVE of CHRIST.

The Lamberts
Josiah, Jada, Brandi & Gered

Kingdom   +   Church   +  People