6:33 Global

MISSION: We love and build people so that they can experience themselves from God’s perspective.

VISION: Every person actively and effectively building the Kingdom of God knowing who they are and whose they are.

November 2020 Newsletter

November 2020 Newsletter

Check out this video update about what's going on with The Lamberts in Honduras!

November 2020 Update on 6:33 Global Food Pantry and G3 Teams for Families & Small Groups.

G3 Teams For Families & Small Groups!

If you are uneasy about signing up for a short term missions trip with strangers, we have the solution for you! We make it easy for you to experience a short term missions trip with your family or small group. Healing Place Church Honduras & 6:33 Global have partnered to present G3 Teams! Check out the following video:

G3 Teams For Small Groups

For more details on 6:33 Global's G3 Teams, visit https://www.633global.org/g3-teams/ or to schedule a video meeting to get more information, email us at gered.lambert@633global.org.

New 6:33 Global Podcast Episode

On this episode, we talk more details about the YouTube video we put out, "G3 Teams for Small Groups."

Click PLAY below to listen to the episode on our 6:33 Global Podcast Page:

On this episode, Gered & Brandi Lambert discuss how your small group can visit Honduras for a short term mission trip together. Healing Place Church Honduras & 6:33 Global has partnered to present G3 Teams. G3 stands for GATHER - GROW - GO.

After listening to the episode, please SUBSCRIBE, RATE & WRITE A REVIEW!

You can subscribe to the 6:33 Global Podcast on iTunes, Spotify or current Podcast Provider.

6:33 Global & Your Holiday Shopping

As you begin to shop for the holidays, Brandi and I are asking you to consider helping our ministry.

Use the following website when you shop on Amazon & AmazonSmile donates to 6:33 Global! 


Partner With Us?

If you receive our newsletter and have not committed to supporting us monthly, we want to ask you to pray about sowing into God's work through 6:33 Global. We believe God's plan for our ministry is bigger than us and we need resources to expand our ministry for His Kingdom, His Church and His People.

For information on our needs, visit https://www.633global.org/donate/

We greatly appreciate your prayers and support! Like we said in the video, we are coming out of this global pandemic STRONG and we have a peace and joy about the future God has for The Lamberts & 6:33 Global!

We doing it all for His KINGDOM + CHURCH + PEOPLE!

The Lamberts
Josiah, Jada, Brandi & Gered

Kingdom   +   Church   +  People