6:33 Global

MISSION: We love and build people so that they can experience themselves from God’s perspective.

VISION: Every person actively and effectively building the Kingdom of God knowing who they are and whose they are.

September 2020 Newsletter

September 2020 Newsletter

Greetings from The Lamberts in Honduras! We have several updates for you guys! So let's get started.....


Here in Honduras, we are still under quarantine. Which means you have to stay on your property and social distance. Based on the last number of your Identification Card or Passport, you can only go down to town on your assigned days.

We believe we see the light at the end of the tunnel. The airports are opening and Honduras is now receiving international flights into the country. Many local tourist businesses in our community are now open or will open very soon.

We are looking forward to begin hosting teams and are presently planning for 2021 teams and possibly teams at the end of this year, 2020.


Local schools are not having classes on campuses but teachers are sending assignments to students to complete and turn in. 6:33 Global's PRINTER has been SERVING and WORKING HARD here in El Naranjo! You generosity to our EDUCATION FUND allows us to buy printer paper, printer ink and help students complete assignments and stay up to date on their homework.

There are 2 ways you can partner with us and education here in our community:



Here in Honduras, the school year begins in the first week in February. For the past 2 years, 6:33 Global has provided School Supplies for students and Gift Baskets for Teachers in El Naranjo and Las Mangas. We usually hand out school supplies to students at Christmas and Teacher Gift Basket on the first day of school in February.


Honduras Public School Systems only provide school up to the 6th Grade. To attend 7th - 12th Grade, students need to attend and pay for private schools. 6:33 Global sponsors students to allow them to continue their education. We can sponsor one child for $50/ month or $600/ year. This will provide resources for registration, tuition, transportation, uniforms and school supplies. 

If you are interested in partnering with us in these two areas, visit https://www.633global.org/donate/ and select EDUCATION as the giving fund.

As of this Newsletter, we have about 10 months of the 6:33 Global Food Pantry funded! We are so encouraged by the Food Pantry Team: Carlos, Chon & Jenifer. Carlos & Chon are a married couple who serve FAITHFULLY at Healing Place Church Honduras and Jenifer is their daughter. We buy the food and they package and distribute the food to the community. They have went above and beyond to organize a time for food pickup, prayer and encouragement. This family has been such a blessing to our family and ministry!

We have also partnered with a warehouse in La Ceiba that sells us the food called Bodega Funez. The owner knows about Pastor Derek and Healing Place Church Honduras and our heart to be "a healing place for a hurting world" and does the best to give us good prices. We originally figured about $12-$13 per basket. With Bodega Funez's help and low prices, we are currently spending $8 per basket. We have gone from serving 30 families every 2 weeks to 50 families every 2 weeks! 
We are THANKFUL for your GENEROSITY and for GOD'S FAVOR with food prices! All Glory To God!
If you wish to contribute to the 6:33 Global Food Pantry visit https://www.633global.org/donate/ and select FOOD PANTRY for your giving fund.

Last week, Clinical Doctor Del Pueblo celebrated its 4 Year Anniversary! This clinic is a testament to God's faithfulness to Doctors Melvin & Ana and the people in our community! We are so proud to partner with The Clinic and we are grateful for your generosity and support.

At this time, with Bio Security procedures, there is a need for more resources for supplies. Also, there is monthly utilities that the clinic has incurred since moving into the new building. We could use some monthly commitments to help with all these things.

To help out with the Medical Clinic, visit https://www.633global.org/donate and choose MEDICAL for the FUND, then CLINIC & BRIGADE SUPPLIES for the SUB FUND.

1. Pray for PROVISION. God has been SO FAITHFUL to our family and our ministry. As our favor and influence grows, we believe He is calling us to do more! With that, comes the need for resources. We've always been told, "Where The Lord Guides, He Provides." So, we are believing for that.

2. Pray for WISDOM. We have learned that not all GOOD opportunities are GOD opportunities. The needs are great here, but we may not be called to meet them all. We have a great team around us, Ps. Derek Smith, Ps. Jeff Rentz & Br. Earl Rentz and they do a great job of helping us think through things and guide us with experience and wisdom.

3. LEARNING SPANISH. Brandi and I have found a great new Spanish School we have been using during the pandemic. It's an online school and the service and teaching techniques they use is excellent! After almost 3 years, we are honestly disappointed in our progress to learn Spanish. So, we are digging in and making more of an effort. We definitely need supernatural help in this area!


The Lamberts
Josiah, Jada, Brandi & Gered

Kingdom   +   Church   +  People